

Newsletter Archive


Fight "FOBO"

Is new tech driving your fear of becoming obsolete (FOBO)? Workers in all industries are being impacted by AI and other technologies. Turn your worry into a sound action plan to retool, stay relevant – and futureproof your career.
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Live Better: Embracing JOMO

Live Better: Embracing JOMO

Tired of always feeling like you're one step behind, missing out on the "next big thing"? JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out, can help you banish those feelings - transforming your work, personal life, and mental well-being.
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Elevate Your Workday: Proven Strategies for Managing Workload & Stress

Elevate Your Workday: Proven Strategies for Managing Workload & Stress

Here are a few practical stress relief tips to incorporate into your daily routine!
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AI Is Flooding the Job Market With Applications. Here's What To Do About It

AI Is Flooding the Job Market With Applications. Here's What To Do About It

AI makes it easier to apply for jobs en masse. It’s increasing your competition - making it harder to stand out. Here’s how to rise above the application torrent and get noticed by hiring managers.
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Throwing Flags: Interview Mistakes That Could Cost You the Job

Throwing Flags: Interview Mistakes That Could Cost You the Job

On the job hunt? Make sure you’re not tanking your chances with these missteps during the interview phase.
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Seal the Deal: Turn That Successful Interview into a Job Offer

Seal the Deal: Turn That Successful Interview into a Job Offer

Your interview went really well. You explained why you're the best candidate for the job, made great eye contact, and thanked the interviewer on your way out. So now it's time to sit back and worry until you hear something, right? Wrong. Redefine the waiting game and seal the deal - with the help of a staffing recruiter.
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Turn That Assignment Into a Job Offer

Turn That Assignment Into a Job Offer

Looking for a full-time, direct hire job in the new year? A temporary or contract assignment is a great place to start. Here's why - and how to turn that short-term role into your new work home.
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Live Better - 30 Frugal Gift Ideas To Show You Appreciate Someone

Live Better - 30 Frugal Gift Ideas To Show You Appreciate Someone

Hey - just because you're on a budget doesn't mean you can't find a great gift to express your gratitude this holiday season! Spark inspiration here!
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Embrace Your Inner Superhero: Unleash Your Career Potential With a Staffing Sidekick

Embrace Your Inner Superhero: Unleash Your Career Potential With a Staffing Sidekick

The right staffing recruiter can be the Robin to your Batman: an invaluable sidekick to help you overcome job search challenges, conquer self-defeating behaviors, and achieve amazing success in the workplace.
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Own Your Power in the Workplace

Own Your Power in the Workplace

How do you increase your influence, authority, and impact on the job…without stepping on toes or making enemies? Here's how to amp up your power the right way - and get ahead!
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From Hanger to Hired: Dress for Success to Land the Job

From Hanger to Hired: Dress for Success to Land the Job

Learn what to wear - and what NOT to wear - to make the best impression…and get hired!
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Beyond the Job Description: Finding Your Ideal Employer Fit

Beyond the Job Description: Finding Your Ideal Employer Fit

Employers are ALWAYS putting their best foot forward in a job posting. How can you tell if the opportunity and the company will be a good fit? This step-by-step guide explains how to choose the best employer for your career growth and long-term satisfaction.
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Using AI to Craft a Resume: Is It Cheating?

Using AI to Craft a Resume: Is It Cheating?

Hey, we all want to put our "best foot forward" when applying for a job. But is it ethical (and legal) to have a chatbot write your resume or cover letter?
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20 Simple Ways To Improve Your Life TODAY

20 Simple Ways To Improve Your Life TODAY

Work, family, happens. But you don't have to put off self-improvement and personal growth for "someday." Use these tips to make an immediate positive impact on your health, happiness, and security.
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Get Unstuck: 5 Secrets to Moving Up

Get Unstuck: 5 Secrets to Moving Up

Why do some people stay stuck in their careers – while others seem to advance effortlessly? This guide explains what you need to do, and what you need to STOP doing, to move up (even in tough times like these).
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Do You Really Need a Cover Letter? Really??

Do You Really Need a Cover Letter? Really??

Even if a cover letter isn't a mandatory part of a job application, new research shows why including one is a smart move!
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You Can Do This: The Best Ways to Learn New Job Skills

You Can Do This: The Best Ways to Learn New Job Skills

Here's how to learn the skills you need (and ultimately, find a great job)!
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Hot in 2023 - The Best Jobs, Skills and Industries

Hot in 2023 - The Best Jobs, Skills and Industries

Looking to move your career forward? On the job hunt? Find out where the greatest demand for talent is - and the skills you need to land your next great opportunity!
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13 Simple Ways to Live Better in 2023

13 Simple Ways to Live Better in 2023

Implement these simple actions to live better in 2023 and make next year your best one yet!
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Telling Tales: Using Storytelling to Land the Job You Want

Telling Tales: Using Storytelling to Land the Job You Want

Use these storytelling principles to get noticed, make yourself a more memorable candidate, and get hired!
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Can You Get Ahead Without Playing Dirty?

Can You Get Ahead Without Playing Dirty?

Here’s how to succeed on the job, get what you want – and still be able to look at yourself in the mirror.
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How to Build a Strong Professional Relationship with Your Boss

How to Build a Strong Professional Relationship with Your Boss

Starting a new job can make you very nervous, but you don’t have to be. Any career begins with building good professional relationships. How do you improve your relationship with an existing boss or start your new relationship off on the right foot? Here are a few tips to get you started.
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Who would you choose as a job reference?

Who would you choose as a job reference?

Providing great references can make or break your chances of getting a job offer. Find out whom you should choose – and how to stack the deck in your favor.
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Why and How To Build This Essential Success Habit!

Why and How To Build This Essential Success Habit!

Henry Ford said, "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young."
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5 principles to getting (and staying) ahead

5 principles to getting (and staying) ahead

Ready to take that next step? Let’s go! In this eBook, we'll outline five strategies proven to help you get ahead.
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Watch Out For These On-the-Job Mistakes!

Watch Out For These On-the-Job Mistakes!

Hey, nobody's perfect. But if you want to get ahead, steer clear of these common workplace blunders that can damage your career.
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Use These Tips to Silence Your Inner Critic

Use These Tips to Silence Your Inner Critic

Lack confidence in yourself on the job? Here are 10 ways to move beyond self doubt, shake feelings of inadequacy, and achieve more in your career than you ever thought possible.
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Are you ready to take on more responsibility?

Are you ready to take on more responsibility?

Do you think you’re ready for more responsibility at work? How do you demonstrate to your manager that you want to take on more day-to-day?
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It's time to get OUT of the zone!

It's time to get OUT of the zone!

Here's why people get stuck in their comfort zone and what steps you need to take to get out of yours.
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Get Ahead With This End-of-Year Career Checklist!

Get Ahead With This End-of-Year Career Checklist!

Want next year to be better than this one? Before the ball drops, do these things to prepare yourself for greater career success in 2022.
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The 5 Pillars of Career Success!

The 5 Pillars of Career Success!

Career success means different things to different people. For some, it's earning a prestigious title. For others, it's gaining the ability to manage their own time and projects. Still, others want to work in their dream field or dream company, in any position.
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Do this, not that...

Do this, not that...

Here's what to say (and not say) to improve your relationship with your boss.
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Beat the Fears That Are Holding You Back

Beat the Fears That Are Holding You Back

Do you have this fear? That you're not good enough? I have, for all my life, and I still have it today. But here's the thing: having the fear is natural. Letting it stop you from going after your dreams is a tragedy.
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This can help you get ahead at work!

This can help you get ahead at work!

Mind your digital manners. From email and virtual meeting etiquette to landing a promotion as a remote employee, this digital communication guide will help you stand out in the best way -- and accelerate your career growth.
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Are you ready for management?

Are you ready for management?

Is it time to level up? Here are ten clear signs that you're ready to lead.
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The laws of edition!

The laws of edition!

Here are 12 ways to become more popular and likeable on the job and pave your path to career success.
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There Are New Rules to Know...

There Are New Rules to Know...

In this issue:

The New Rules of Workplace Success: A Digital Etiquette Guide
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Develop this quality for the modern workplace!

Develop this quality for the modern workplace!

Whether you are an entry-level candidate or a seasoned professional, interviewing remotely or in-person, we will show you how to shine -- and land a great new job in the New Year.
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Get ready to ace your next interview!

Get ready to ace your next interview!

Whether you are an entry-level candidate or a seasoned professional, interviewing remotely or in-person, we will show you how to shine -- and land a great new job in the New Year.
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Adapt your resume for a remote world

Adapt your resume for a remote world

In this issue: -Highlighting Virtual Work Skills on Your Resume
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Are you ready to take the next step?

Are you ready to take the next step?

Do you feel like you’re stuck in Coronavirus career limbo? You're not alone. Millions of Americans feel like theirs have ground to a halt, thanks to the pandemic's swirling uncertainty. However, there are opportunities out there, and with the right approach, you can get your career moving forward again.
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Feeling frustrated, anxious or overwhelmed at work?

Feeling frustrated, anxious or overwhelmed at work?

In this issue: -The Feels: How to Manage Your Emotions at Work
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Make yourself an indispensible employee!

Make yourself an indispensible employee!

Feeling "expendable" at work? With recent economic uncertainty, continual "restructuring," and the increasing pace of change in the workplace, it's hard not to. In fact, many of us can be easily replaced.
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Staying productive isn't always easy...

Staying productive isn't always easy...

Staying productive isn't always easy. Whether you work from home or you just want to focus on a task, it can be difficult with distractions people, television, music, social media, etc. Follow these tips to boost your productivity, stay focused and accomplish more.
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How can you be sure to ALWAYS have a job?

How can you be sure to ALWAYS have a job?

Did you ever notice that there are certain people who have great jobs? They are always working on a consistent basis even in shaky industries and uncertain times?
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We are thankful for you!

We are thankful for you!

Everyone at CornerStone Staffing would like to thank you for your ongoing dedication and perseverance during these uncertain times.
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Are you addicted to technology?

Are you addicted to technology?

In this issue: -"I'm Not Addicted to Technology"
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Is your resume costing you jobs?

Is your resume costing you jobs?

In this issue: -Do This, Not That: Skills, Buzzwords and Your 2020 Resume -You're Capable of More Than You Know -Who Needs Sleep?
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Do you feel phony?

Do you feel phony?

In this issue:

-Is Feeling Fake Causing Your Career to Flounder?

-Unlock the Power of Positive Intent
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Ready for that promotion?

Ready for that promotion?

In this issue: -The Sky's the Limit! Steps for Landing That Promotion
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Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving From CornerStone Staffing!

Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving From CornerStone Staffing!

In this issue: -On the Job Hunt? Try Temptation Bundling -Giving Thanks Can Boost Your Career -Makeover Your Morning Commute
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Don't be afraid to ask!

Don't be afraid to ask!

In this issue: - To Accelerate Your Career Growth, Ask for THIS
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Find your ideal job!

Find your ideal job!

In this issue: -What's the Best Way to Find Your Ideal Job? -How to Take Control of Your Career Destiny -Cheap, Easy and Work-Appropriate: 16 Halloween Costume Ideas
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Are things out of control?

Are things out of control?

In this issue: -Highest-Paying Entry-Level Jobs -The Laws of Attraction...Work Edition -When Things Seem Out of Control, Do This
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Are you indispensable?

Are you indispensable?

Whether you're aiming for a promotion, a raise or just want to increase your job security, here's how to become your team's go-to employee.
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No Experience? No Problem.

No Experience? No Problem.

In this issue: -No Experience? No Problem. -10 Career-Building Questions to Ask Your Boss -Can a Vacation Be Fun AND Cheap?
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Please don't do this!

Please don't do this!

In this issue: -The Facepalm-Free Interview -Getting Ahead Starts IN Your Head -Conquering "Time Scarcity"
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Is your resume obsolete?

Is your resume obsolete?

In this issue: -Have Social Networks Killed the Resume? -Career Growth Tips for the Workplace Wallflower -IRS Refund Burning a Hole in Your Pocket?
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Start planning now!

Start planning now!

Don't want to be a remote worker on Mars? Here's what you need to know to stay employable, earn what you're worth, and build a rewarding, future-proof career on planet Earth.
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Who do you know?

Who do you know?

In this issue: -It's Who You Know: Network Like a Pro -To Accelerate Your Career Growth, Ask for THIS -Developing Self-Awareness
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Want to Be Taken Seriously?

Want to Be Taken Seriously?

Tattoos and piercings: Seems like everyone has them these days, but could they knock you out of contention for the job you want? Find the advice you need here. Also. you take your career seriously. So naturally, you want your managers, peers and clients to perceive you as professional and worthy of their esteem, right? Make sure you're not engaging in these self-sabotaging behaviors.
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Let's Talk Money

Let's Talk Money

Feel like job fairs are a waste of time -- or just hate talking to strangers? Here's how to ace your next job fair and land your dream job!
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Is your resume out of date?

Is your resume out of date?

They're outdated. Cliché. And a general waste of space. If you really want to get hired, remove these things from your resume ASAP.
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Choose wisely!

Choose wisely!

The rhyme is fine for choosing team members on the playground - but definitely not a smart approach for managing multiple job offers. Here's how to handle the situation professionally - and make the best choice for your career.
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Do this now!

Do this now!

I'll work out...tomorrow. I'll start reading that career growth book...right after I check Instagram. Sound familiar? If you're prone to procrastination, here are four actions you can take to get the ball rolling on any endeavor.
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Do you have the right soft skills to get hired?

Do you have the right soft skills to get hired?

They may be called "soft," but make no mistake: Regardless of your industry or job function, soft skills are critical to getting hired -- and succeeding on the job. Which do you need for your career, and how can you develop them? Get the lowdown here.
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Do you have the right soft skills to get hired?

Do you have the right soft skills to get hired?

They may be called "soft," but make no mistake: Regardless of your industry or job function, soft skills are critical to getting hired -- and succeeding on the job. Which do you need for your career, and how can you develop them? Get the lowdown here.
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Are you screaming

Are you screaming "Don't hire me!"?

You wouldn't actually scream this at an employer, but could the things you do and say during your job search be sending this message? If you want to get hired, avoid these common faux pas.
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You said that?

You said that?

They're generic. Confusing. Utterly meaningless. And you should never, ever use them when describing yourself to a potential employer.
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