

Help with finding the career path that's right for you.
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Building Your Brand: Tactics for Successful Career Branding

What is it that all successful companies have mastered—and what job-seekers looking to advance in their careers need to master? What is it about Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Starbucks, Disney, and McDonald's? What makes a consumer buy one product over another—and makes one job-seeker much more sought after than others? The answer is marketing, but more specifically it is the power of branding. And branding isn't just for products anymore.
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Career Change Do's and Don'ts

Here are the keys to successfully changing careers. Follow these career-change rules and you should achieve success in contemplating changing careers -- and in your career change.
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Developing Good Interpersonal Skills

If you have any doubts about your skills in dealing with others, you could improve the situation by following some simple suggestions.
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Giving Your Career a Physical Examination

A yearly career check-up will help determine whether your current job is the best one available for you, or whether it's time to flex your employment search muscles. Regardless of title or industry, professionals who take time out on a periodic basis to evaluate and plan their careers will advance faster, earn more money, and stay ahead of their peers in their personal and professional development.
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I wish I knew what I want to be when I grow up

No one knows where they will end up when they start out. Relax a little and don't try to force it. Once you're on the open road, you'll want to make a few extra stops when you spot something interesting. The career journey is the fun of it.
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